Hey everyone!
We appreciate your feedback so far on our new Tell A Fortune App.
Comments range from, “it’s so crazy, it’s like they’re talking right to me!” to, “So accurate, it’s eerie!”
People like our App because it is uplifting! No doom or gloom! Only insightful guidance based on astrological principals and psychic readings.
We are so grateful for your feedback and to be able bring you the first psychic card reading prediction application for iTunes, iPhone and iPad. Finally, get a Yes or No answer to all of life’s questions. Get answers to the energy surrounding your relationships, career or even how the visit with the in-laws is going to go.
There’s no limit to how many questions you can ask or how many times you can ask them! Simply open the Tell A Fortune Application and start gaining insight and getting guidance to all of life’s most pressing concerns!
To show you our appreciation, we will be determining what types of things you would like to win in a contest on our Facebook fan page in the upcoming months!
You can win tote bags, t-shirts, magnets and even a grand prize of being able to win a FREE psychic reading with the makers of the Tell A Fortune App, Diane and Daphne!
They are the renowned psychics who have worked with everyone from Shirly MacClaine, Jacqueline Stallone and Matt Lauer among many, many more and are acclaimed for having helped end the curse of the Boston Red Sox! The reading is valued at over a $100!
In the meantime, you can download the App for $2.99 on the App Store and get as much psychic guidance as you want, all day, everyday!